![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Detroit/Pontiac, MI
Issued by NWS Detroit/Pontiac, MI
578 UFUS43 KDTX 121200 ABVDTX 72632 TTCC 62121 72632 70820 61776 26077 50029 56981 28061 30352 56981 28561 20608 58781 29061 10049 49786 29549 07285 41991 30564 05512 42990 28553 88999 77156 30074 41721 31313 44108 81108= TTDD 6212/ 72632 11936 58578 22859 59978 33765 58978 44679 63176 55619 61777 66607 62576 77555 59579 88537 60179 99513 56181 11447 59379 22429 56782 33424 54383 44396 55382 55388 54183 66329 59380 77316 59380 88306 56582 99248 57581 11213 60179 22187 57781 33168 59380 44155 56782 55149 58580 66134 54983 77130 55583 88124 52385 99120 53184 11109 49786 22101 50385 33091 47987 44085 49186 55081 46188 66080 46188 77076 47387 88074 47387 99071 42391 11068 41591 22065 43590 33063 40191 44056 44789 55051 42590 66048 45189 77046 43990 21212 11674 26075 22601 27085 33503 28061 44471 27573 55392 26060 66351 27052 77329 26560 88304 29062 99282 28065 11254 28056 22235 26057 33225 27054 44204 29061 55188 28560 66172 30572 77156 30074 88147 31065 99116 28047 11098 30051 22085 29051 33070 30565 44064 30048 55057 31058 66053 28055 77046 29054 31313 44108 81108= PPDD 62128 72632 96014 26580 26075 27085 9689/ 28061 27573 97035 27563 26060 27052 9768/ 26560 29062 98024 28564 28056 26057 9868/ 29061 28560 99023 30572 30074 31065 998// 28047 86013 28553 30051 29051 86679 30059 30048 31058 871// 29054=