![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Dodge City, KS
Issued by NWS Dodge City, KS
219 UMUS43 KDDC 121200 SGLDDC 72451 TTBB 62128 72451 00920 12517 11891 15110 22869 14716 33858 13723 44851 11527 55846 11125 66828 12313 77823 10300 88814 09701 99776 10311 11760 10111 22750 10901 33748 10700 44705 09103 55698 09503 66693 08903 77671 10104 88667 09903 99664 07906 11640 10137 22637 10334 33633 10956 44552 19518 55551 19724 66512 23525 77466 28905 88455 29909 99450 30521 11449 30736 22448 30750 33446 30364 44444 30167 55429 31772 66395 37371 77389 37974 88348 42973 99339 43572 11337 42970 22326 44569 33324 44168 44318 44365 55308 45574 66298 46569 77295 46375 88293 46171 99291 46567 11270 48975 22262 49375 33258 48774 44242 50375 55235 50175 66224 51974 77218 49577 88214 50176 99200 49776 11199 48178 22195 47778 33177 48977 44167 52376 55151 54776 66136 52377 77121 55976 88106 57775 99100 57175 21212 00920 01515 11886 03025 22868 02518 33859 01510 44849 34004 55823 25510 66765 29503 77741 27510 88690 24545 99666 23544 11631 25050 22619 24544 33440 22583 44352 22570 55318 24108 66234 23078 77211 23089 88194 24072 99169 23077 11150 24588 22132 25069 33122 24581 44106 26062 55100 24559 31313 44108 81102 41414 863// 51515 10164 00020 10194 02017 26016= PPBB 62128 72451 90/45 01515 02520 25510 90678 26512 25506 28007 909// 26028 91012 24545 23544 24548 91346 24544 24546 24554 92015 22572 22583 22574 9269/ 22570 24108 93058 24103 23078 23089 939// 24072 94258 23077 24588 25069 949// 24581 95024 25076 26062 24559=