![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Dodge City, KS
Issued by NWS Dodge City, KS
796 UMUS43 KDDC 060000 SGLDDC 72451 TTBB 56008 72451 00916 03216 11914 02805 22898 01600 33895 02400 44894 03804 55893 04809 66892 07437 77890 12060 88889 14064 99885 16270 11881 17272 22858 16274 33836 17880 44745 08873 55705 05270 66703 05670 77646 00873 88604 01383 99526 10780 11480 15578 22450 20183 33441 21573 44438 21972 55411 25177 66404 25967 77388 28764 88385 29165 99378 29970 11369 31365 22360 32369 33350 33968 44347 34364 55339 35369 66329 36960 77322 38159 88318 38959 99315 38567 11309 37969 22287 40764 33279 42365 44276 42566 55272 41775 66264 42175 77262 41580 88260 41380 99254 41381 11229 45177 22216 46578 33215 46579 44214 46579 55179 54176 66178 53777 77171 54978 88154 59775 99146 61175 11144 61176 22140 59978 33133 60577 44123 63975 55122 63775 66110 69770 77100 73567 21212 00916 21006 11904 20010 22882 25524 33851 28535 44820 28543 55715 28033 66654 29546 77600 27066 88520 27057 99355 27586 11324 28088 22287 29618 33257 28607 44233 28618 55160 28112 66123 30044 77118 27536 88114 27532 99100 25035 31313 44108 82301 41414 862// 51515 10164 00091 10194 26520 28538= PPBB 56008 72451 90/45 21006 26525 28535 90678 28541 28538 28037 909// 28535 91024 28033 29546 27565 9168/ 27062 27057 92057 27564 27581 27586 929// 28088 93025 28593 29618 28607 937// 28618 945// 28112 95012 29058 30044 27532 955// 25035=