Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS State College, PA

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NOUS41 KCTP 300521

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service State College PA
1221 AM EST Thu Jan 30 2025


Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Provider


...Adams County...
Gettysburg                   42 MPH    0135 PM 01/29   CWOP
Cashtown                     42 MPH    0420 PM 01/29   CWOP

...Bedford County...
Claysburg                    45 MPH    0216 AM 01/29   CWOP
Bedford Airport              44 MPH    0915 AM 01/29   ASOS

...Blair County...
Martinsburg                  51 MPH    0643 AM 01/29   AWOS
Blair Helibase               48 MPH    1216 AM 01/29   RAWS

...Cambria County...
Johnstown Airport            53 MPH    0409 AM 01/29   ASOS
1 E Cresson                  47 MPH    0925 AM 01/29   PADOT

...Clearfield County...
Clearfield Airport           45 MPH    0522 AM 01/29   ASOS

...Clinton County...
Lock Haven Airport           44 MPH    0334 PM 01/29   AWOS
Coffin Rock                  41 MPH    1216 AM 01/29   RAWS

...Cumberland County...
Pa Portable No. 1            43 MPH    0259 PM 01/29   RAWS

...Dauphin County...
Harrisburg Intl Airport      49 MPH    1111 AM 01/29   ASOS
Hummelstown                  44 MPH    0128 PM 01/29   CWOP
ELIZABETHVILLE               43 MPH    0428 PM 01/29   CWOP

...Franklin County...
1 NNW Marion                 49 MPH    0150 PM 01/29   PADOT
Greencastle                  44 MPH    0245 PM 01/29   DAVIS
Chambersburg                 44 MPH    0115 PM 01/29   CWOP
Marion                       42 MPH    0200 PM 01/29   CWOP
Waynesboro                   40 MPH    1245 PM 01/29   CWOP

...Fulton County...
2 S Crystal Springs          52 MPH    0225 PM 01/29   PADOT

...Juniata County...
3 S Alfarata                 47 MPH    0150 PM 01/29   PADOT

...Lancaster County...
Manheim                      51 MPH    0145 PM 01/29   CWOP
Lancaster Airport            47 MPH    0239 PM 01/29   ASOS

...Lebanon County...
Muir Airfield Ft. Indiantown 45 MPH    1213 PM 01/29   AWOS
Palmyra                      43 MPH    1200 PM 01/29   CWOP
Jonestown                    40 MPH    0658 PM 01/29   CWOP

...Lycoming County...
Williamsport Airport         49 MPH    0327 PM 01/29   ASOS

...McKean County...
Bradford Airport             46 MPH    0149 PM 01/29   ASOS

...Mifflin County...
Mifflin County Airport-RVL   48 MPH    0235 PM 01/29   AWOS
Chestnut Springs             40 MPH    0551 AM 01/29   RAWS

...Northumberland County...
Wolf Pond                    43 MPH    0608 PM 01/29   RAWS

...Perry County...
2 ENE Newport                44 MPH    0340 PM 01/29   PADOT
Duncannon                    40 MPH    0130 PM 01/29   CWOP

...Schuylkill County...
Joe Zerbey Airport           52 MPH    1235 PM 01/29   AWOS
POTTSVILLE                   42 MPH    1145 AM 01/29   CWOP
2 N Tremont                  41 MPH    0150 PM 01/29   PADOT
5 N Tuscarora                40 MPH    0640 PM 01/29   PADOT

...Snyder County...
Selinsgrove                  41 MPH    1208 PM 01/29   ASOS

...Somerset County...
2 NNE Garrett                50 MPH    1250 AM 01/29   PADOT
Ogletown                     44 MPH    1250 AM 01/29   PADOT
Somerset                     44 MPH    1215 AM 01/29   CWOP
Somerset Airport             41 MPH    0135 PM 01/29   AWOS

...Sullivan County...
DUSHORE                      43 MPH    0523 PM 01/29   CWOP

...Tioga County...
Wellsboro Airport            48 MPH    0315 PM 01/29   AWOS

...Union County...
LEWISBURG                    49 MPH    1006 AM 01/29   CWOP
Lewisburg                    48 MPH    1115 AM 01/29   CWOP

...York County...
York Airport                 56 MPH    1239 PM 01/29   ASOS
Capitol City Airport         53 MPH    0359 PM 01/29   ASOS
Dover                        42 MPH    1215 PM 01/29   CWOP
Shrewsbury                   41 MPH    1250 PM 01/29   PADOT


:1/29/2025,0135 PM, PA, Adams, Gettysburg, , , 39.7832, -77.2687, PKGUST, 42, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0420 PM, PA, Adams, Cashtown, , , 39.88, -77.35, PKGUST, 42, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0915 AM, PA, Bedford, Bedford Airport, , , 40.0833, -78.5167, PKGUST, 44, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0216 AM, PA, Bedford, Claysburg, , , 40.2599, -78.4924, PKGUST, 45, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1216 AM, PA, Blair, Blair Helibase, , , 40.4417, -78.4197, PKGUST, 48, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0643 AM, PA, Blair, Martinsburg, , , 40.2999, -78.3168, PKGUST, 51, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0925 AM, PA, Cambria, 1 E Cresson, , , 40.4614, -78.5654, PKGUST, 47, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0409 AM, PA, Cambria, Johnstown Airport, , , 40.3167, -78.8333, PKGUST, 53, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0522 AM, PA, Clearfield, Clearfield Airport, , , 41.05, -78.4167, PKGUST, 45, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1216 AM, PA, Clinton, Coffin Rock, , , 41.2378, -77.7517, PKGUST, 41, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0334 PM, PA, Clinton, Lock Haven Airport, , , 41.136, -77.4219, PKGUST, 44, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0259 PM, PA, Cumberland, Pa Portable No. 1, , , 39.989, -77.4637, PKGUST, 43, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0428 PM, PA, Dauphin, ELIZABETHVILLE, , , 40.5872, -76.8165, PKGUST, 43, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0128 PM, PA, Dauphin, Hummelstown, , , 40.3185, -76.6908, PKGUST, 44, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1111 AM, PA, Dauphin, Harrisburg Intl Airport, , , 40.2, -76.7667, PKGUST, 49, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1245 PM, PA, Franklin, Waynesboro, , , 39.7628, -77.5176, PKGUST, 40, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0200 PM, PA, Franklin, Marion, , , 39.8338, -77.6637, PKGUST, 42, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0245 PM, PA, Franklin, Greencastle, , , 39.7298, -77.7233, PKGUST, 44, mph, DAVIS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0115 PM, PA, Franklin, Chambersburg, , , 39.9525, -77.5943, PKGUST, 44, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0150 PM, PA, Franklin, 1 NNW Marion, , , 39.8762, -77.6773, PKGUST, 49, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0225 PM, PA, Fulton, 2 S Crystal Springs, , , 39.8851, -78.2437, PKGUST, 52, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0150 PM, PA, Juniata, 3 S Alfarata, , , 40.6055, -77.4699, PKGUST, 47, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0239 PM, PA, Lancaster, Lancaster Airport, , , 40.1167, -76.3, PKGUST, 47, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0145 PM, PA, Lancaster, Manheim, , , 40.1673, -76.4545, PKGUST, 51, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0658 PM, PA, Lebanon, Jonestown, , , 40.4045, -76.4753, PKGUST, 40, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1200 PM, PA, Lebanon, Palmyra, , , 40.2978, -76.5755, PKGUST, 43, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1213 PM, PA, Lebanon, Muir Airfield Ft. Indiantown Gap, , , 40.4167, -76.5667, PKGUST, 45, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0327 PM, PA, Lycoming, Williamsport Airport, , , 41.25, -76.9167, PKGUST, 49, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0149 PM, PA, McKean, Bradford Airport, , , 41.8, -78.6333, PKGUST, 46, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0551 AM, PA, Mifflin, Chestnut Springs, , , 40.6914, -77.7026, PKGUST, 40, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0235 PM, PA, Mifflin, Mifflin County Airport-RVL, , , 40.6833, -77.6333, PKGUST, 48, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0608 PM, PA, Northumberland, Wolf Pond, , , 40.836, -76.5447, PKGUST, 43, mph, RAWS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0130 PM, PA, Perry, Duncannon, , , 40.4745, -76.9665, PKGUST, 40, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0340 PM, PA, Perry, 2 ENE Newport, , , 40.4948, -77.091, PKGUST, 44, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0640 PM, PA, Schuylkill, 5 N Tuscarora, , , 40.8359, -76.063, PKGUST, 40, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0150 PM, PA, Schuylkill, 2 N Tremont, , , 40.6666, -76.3885, PKGUST, 41, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1145 AM, PA, Schuylkill, POTTSVILLE, , , 40.6995, -76.3117, PKGUST, 42, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1235 PM, PA, Schuylkill, Joe Zerbey Airport, , , 40.7, -76.3666, PKGUST, 52, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1208 PM, PA, Snyder, Selinsgrove, , , 40.8167, -76.8667, PKGUST, 41, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0135 PM, PA, Somerset, Somerset Airport, , , 40.0333, -79.0167, PKGUST, 41, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1250 AM, PA, Somerset, Ogletown, , , 40.194, -78.69, PKGUST, 44, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1215 AM, PA, Somerset, Somerset, , , 40.0738, -79.17, PKGUST, 44, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1250 AM, PA, Somerset, 2 NNE Garrett, , , 39.9007, -79.0457, PKGUST, 50, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0523 PM, PA, Sullivan, DUSHORE, , , 41.4913, -76.3833, PKGUST, 43, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0315 PM, PA, Tioga, Wellsboro Airport, , , 41.7333, -77.4, PKGUST, 48, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1115 AM, PA, Union, Lewisburg, , , 40.9802, -76.8863, PKGUST, 48, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1006 AM, PA, Union, LEWISBURG, , , 40.962, -76.8912, PKGUST, 49, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1250 PM, PA, York, Shrewsbury, , , 39.7717, -76.6679, PKGUST, 41, mph, PADOT, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1215 PM, PA, York, Dover, , , 39.9885, -76.8456, PKGUST, 42, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,0359 PM, PA, York, Capitol City Airport, , , 40.2167, -76.85, PKGUST, 53, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:1/29/2025,1239 PM, PA, York, York Airport, , , 39.9167, -76.8833, PKGUST, 56, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,

Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.
