Recreational Report
Issued by NWS St Louis, MO
Issued by NWS St Louis, MO
827 SXUS43 KLSX 120832 RECCOU Morning Hot Air Balloon Forecast National Weather Service Saint Louis MO 332 AM CDT Wed Mar 12 2025 ...HERE IS THE MORNING HOT AIR BALLOON FORECAST FOR CENTRAL MISSOURI... .THIS MORNING... Sunrise: 724 AM. Surface Wind Forecast: 7 AM...150/03 mph. 9 AM...160/03 mph. Boundary Layer Wind: 7 AM...200/07 mph. 9 AM...210/06 mph. RAP Winds (at 8 AM): 500ft...170/04 mph. 1000ft...260/19 mph. 2000ft...260/32 mph. 3000ft...270/27 mph. Surface Lifted Index: 7 AM...+14. 9 AM...+14. Density Altitude: 7 AM...327 FT. 9 AM...796 FT. Additional Weather Info: clear below 12000 feet AGL, unrestricted visibilities. .OUTLOOK FOR THIS EVENING... Sunset: 713 PM. Weather: clear below 12000 feet AGL, unrestricted visibilities. Surface Wind: 5 PM...110/07 mph. 7 PM...080/06 mph. Boundary Wind: 5 PM...130/10 mph. 7 PM...090/08 mph. This forecast is not routinely updated or amended outside of scheduled issuances. $$ Delia