![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Charleston, SC
Issued by NWS Charleston, SC
359 UFUS42 KCHS 051200 ABVCHS 72208 TTCC 55122 72208 70853 66175 26535 50057 62776 28533 30375 57776 31515 20632 54576 28528 88999 77999 31313 45408 81103= TTDD 5512/ 72208 11928 69970 22872 68771 33835 69172 44807 68972 55774 69573 66696 66175 77607 69175 88589 68175 99540 65176 11524 64176 22479 60976 33442 63375 44436 63375 55370 60376 66358 59376 77350 58777 88315 57176 99290 58176 11280 57976 22251 55976 33241 55576 44219 56975 55214 56775 66199 54376 77189 53376 88187 53576 21212 11944 29544 22930 29545 33916 29546 44888 28045 55846 28048 66832 28547 77806 27536 88781 26540 99757 27049 11723 27545 22687 26034 33676 25535 44631 27040 55600 28535 66581 28032 77563 29026 88554 27025 99537 25534 11520 27039 22503 29036 33495 28030 44487 28529 55471 29531 66454 29034 77424 31021 88409 28516 99402 27519 11381 29528 22368 27527 33362 28026 44350 30022 55344 29519 66333 28027 77327 29028 88322 30027 99306 31520 11279 25006 22269 27012 33264 26013 44259 26517 55255 25016 66250 24019 77233 30530 88220 28025 99212 27526 11208 28029 22205 28030 33201 28028 44194 27530 55187 28524 31313 45408 81103 51515 10164 00091 10194 19506 21025= PPDD 55128 72208 95567 29046 29546 28045 9589/ 28547 27536 96012 26547 27545 25535 96456 27040 28535 27025 96789 25534 29036 28529 97012 29532 29034 31021 97345 27519 29528 28026 97678 29519 29028 30027 979// 31520 98012 28010 27012 26517 98356 24019 30530 27526 9878/ 28030 27530= NNNN