![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
474 UMAK18 PACD 121201 COR SGLCDB 70316 TTBB 62128 70316 00006 04617 11000 05021 22978 03609 33965 03618 44934 01200 55904 00100 66897 00824 77886 01050 88880 00656 99876 00638 11845 00758 22836 01357 33827 01946 44810 02756 55785 04546 66781 04756 77774 04762 88768 05360 99763 05562 11753 06164 22659 15326 33650 15520 44639 16534 55627 17922 66626 17930 77625 17757 88624 17957 99623 17957 11617 18362 22614 18369 33612 17981 44611 17779 55593 18970 66566 22363 77559 23364 88527 27557 99515 28958 11503 29956 22495 30957 33494 30959 44490 31156 55487 31557 66474 33145 77463 34356 88457 35150 99450 35957 11445 36758 22430 38956 33424 39945 44409 42156 55406 42558 66385 45935 77379 46746 88378 46950 99360 49335 11356 49750 22354 49358 33353 49359 44349 49559 55345 49364 66340 49565 77336 50162 88332 50168 99329 50167 11282 55167 22235 52576 33223 52577 44221 52577 55218 52777 66201 49780 77181 49181 88156 52180 99136 47783 11130 48782 22107 44385 33100 44985 21212 00006 13511 11999 15010 22952 11518 33870 14519 44837 12026 55788 13020 66746 11014 77650 13016 88636 15012 99621 13010 11596 16004 22541 15510 33518 15012 44509 13013 55465 14520 66422 13023 77371 15528 88346 14540 99305 13537 11250 15030 22214 14029 33208 16028 44190 16029 55183 17524 66178 16521 77170 17523 88150 15525 99142 17032 11136 20527 22116 18534 33113 20527 44107 20022 55100 16522 31313 44108 81105 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00004 10181 10194 13019 12015= PPBB 62128 70316 90/12 13511 13018 11017 90345 13522 14519 12026 90678 12523 12515 11014 909// 11510 91234 14512 13010 13505 91678 15010 15012 13013 92025 14020 13023 15028 9269/ 14540 13537 93037 14039 15030 14029 939// 16029 94012 17524 16521 17523 9446/ 15525 17032 95012 18534 20527 20022 953// 16522=