![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Caribou, ME
Issued by NWS Caribou, ME
311 UFUS41 KCAR 121200 ABVCAR 72712 TTCC 62122 72712 70799 60376 26595 50009 56977 26107 30326 60774 27105 20580 63173 25605 88999 77615 26614 41710 31313 45408 81111= TTDD 6212/ 72712 11974 58577 22958 58777 33877 57378 44857 57178 55779 58577 66660 61776 77650 61976 88632 61376 99609 60976 11595 60976 22592 61176 33558 59776 44518 57177 55509 56977 66376 63573 77366 63973 88335 61575 99320 60774 11299 60774 22260 58975 33244 58175 44237 57775 55205 62972 66196 63173 21212 11959 26611 22914 27107 33887 26605 44862 26608 55850 26605 66813 27102 77786 27102 88758 26600 99744 26601 11704 26595 22656 26106 33615 26614 44580 27110 55564 27613 66518 26603 77484 26609 88458 25601 99450 25102 11404 26599 22375 26598 33350 25608 44344 26111 55307 27103 66301 27105 77286 26610 88275 26602 99264 27095 11254 26094 22233 25103 33225 25100 44216 25102 55196 25602 31313 45408 81111 51515 10164 00091 10194 30512 28533= PPDD 62128 72712 95345 26611 27107 26605 95678 26605 27102 26600 959// 26601 96013 26596 26106 26614 96468 27613 26603 26609 969// 25102 97013 25602 26599 26598 97457 25608 26111 27105 979// 26602 98013 26595 26094 25103 984// 25102= NNNN