Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Burlington, VT

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NOUS41 KBTV 121551

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Burlington VT
1151 AM EDT Wed Mar 12 2025

...The following are current known locations of ice jams in
northern New York, as well as north and central Vermont...

...RIVER...         ...CITY LOCATION...           ...LAT.LON...
                    ..COUNTY LOCATION..ST..       ...SOURCE....

Ausable River       Jay                           44.34N -73.77W
                    Essex              NY  NY State Watch Center

          Ice jam reported in the Jay area of New York along the
          Ausable River. No known flooding or damages.

East Branch Ausable Keene                         44.28N -73.79W
                    Esssex             NY               NYSDHSES

          A second ice jam was located in Essex County further
          upstream on the Au Sable River, and is approximately
          0.15 miles long. This ice jam appears to be static, and
          there has been no reported movement

Winooski            Moretown                      44.30N -72.70W
                    Washington         VT                     EM

          Ice Jam at the confluence of the Mad River and the
          Winooski, extending down the Winooski about a mile.

Stevens Branch      Montpelier                    44.24N -72.55W
                    Washington         VT               Official

          Ice Jam behind Tractor Supply just before the Stevens
          Branch drains into the Winooski. Based on photos, it
          appears to be started by a large tree that fell across
          the river. No flooding.

Jail Branch         East Barre                    44.18N -72.48W
                    Washington         VT               Official

          Ice jam along the Jail Branch in East Barre near the
          VFW.  No flooding.

Missisquoi          Richford                      45.00N -72.67W
                    Franklin           VT                    NWS

          Large ice jam at and below the falls. Ice abutting
          several structures on the right bank, but no impacts
          noted. Jam observed during ice surveys on March 10,
          2025, but formed during partial breakup event back on
          the 6th. No flooding noted.

Wild Branch         Wolcott           44.56N -72.49W
                    Lamoille           VT                    NWS

          Breakup jam of unknown size observed during NWS BTV
          river ice surveys on March 10, 2025. This jam formed
          during the partial breakup event on March 6, 2025 and
          is located on the Wild Branch tributary of the Lamoille
          River where it joins the main channel at the Rail Trail
          bridge crossing. No flooding noted.

Missisquoi          East Berkshire                44.93N -72.71W
                    Franklin           VT                    NWS

          This is a small jam observed during NWS BTV river ice
          surveys on March 10, 2025. This jam formed during the
          partial breakup event on March 6, 2025. The jam is
          located just upstream of the Montgomery Bridge on Route
          118 where the Trout River joins the main branch.
          No flooding noted.

Missisquoi          East Highgate                 44.93N -73.00W
                    Franklin           VT                    NWS

          This is a large breakup jam observed during NWS BTV
          river ice surveys performed on March 10, 2025. This jam
          formed on March 6, 2025 during a partial breakup event.
          The jam lies approximately 1/4 mile downstream of the
          Machia Road Bridge where a series of shallows and
          shoals exist in the channel. This is a known spot for
          ice to jam. No flooding noted.

Passumpsic          Lyndon                        44.55N -71.99W
                    Caledonia          VT                    NWS

          This is a decently large breakup jam located on the
          East Branch of the Passumpsic River which extends past
          the East/West Branch confluence into the main branch of
          the Passumpsic R. in Lyndon, VT. The jam extends from
          approximately the Lily Pond Rd. bridge downstream
          through the confluence to just upstream of the Lyndon
          Mobile Home Park. It was observed during NWS BTV river
          ice surveys on March 10, 2025, and formed during the
          partial breakup event on March 6, 2025. No flooding noted.
