![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Boise, ID
Issued by NWS Boise, ID
364 UFUS45 KBOI 121200 ABVBOI 72681 TTCC 62121 72681 70829 53182 29525 50045 51783 32531 30375 53782 03505 20639 49585 07514 10101 44389 10022 88999 77999 31313 44108 81102= TTDD 6212/ 72681 11911 53381 22670 54181 33667 54181 44616 52782 55581 54181 66504 51583 77432 53582 88383 53582 99331 51983 11296 53982 22256 49785 33239 50185 44227 47186 55207 50384 66172 47586 77169 45388 88157 42789 99144 44788 11135 43189 22117 47187 33116 45987 44113 46787 55103 45588 66102 44189 77098 44988 88095 42590 99090 43389 21212 11930 31038 22825 31529 33796 29020 44787 28521 55760 30528 66730 28022 77683 30024 88658 33029 99646 34025 11628 33515 22614 30008 33605 27512 44589 26522 55558 30534 66552 31032 77509 31532 88477 34524 99455 33020 11440 33516 22425 31017 33410 32018 44399 30514 55370 32522 66353 00516 77335 33517 88324 36010 99293 01505 11279 32012 22256 02522 33244 00528 44236 01035 55224 00522 66216 04015 77214 05015 88188 10012 99186 10010 11180 03015 22177 02018 33171 06016 44168 07511 55164 06008 66162 05010 77154 09010 88147 10011 99134 04516 11123 06021 22119 08017 33116 06513 44115 05016 55108 05018 66104 06530 77100 10021 88097 09514 99095 08012 11092 03017 22090 02521 31313 44108 81102= PPDD 62128 72681 95578 31038 31529 28521 959// 30528 96012 28022 30024 33029 96345 34025 27512 26522 96689 30534 31532 34524 97012 33021 33516 32018 97356 30514 32522 00516 9778/ 33517 36010 98013 36006 32012 02522 98456 01035 00522 04015 9879/ 05015 10012 99012 05512 02018 07511 99345 05010 09010 10011 9979/ 04516 06021 86012 06513 05018 06530 8634/ 03017 02521=