Public Information Statement
Issued by NWS Binghamton, NY

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NOUS41 KBGM 121201

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Binghamton NY
800 AM EDT Wed Mar 12 2025

New York Flood Safety Awareness Week is March 9th through
March 15th, 2025.

Today`s topic: Flood Hazards

Flooding is a coast-to-coast threat to the United States during
every month of the year. Flooding typically occurs when prolonged
rain occurs over several days, or when intense rain falls over a
short period of time, or when an ice jam causes a river or a stream
to overflow into the surrounding area. Flooding can also result in
the failure of a water controlled structure, such as a levee or dam.
The most common form of flooding is rain and snowmelt that
accumulates faster than the soil can absorb it, or the rivers can
carry it away. Approximately seventy-five percent of all
Presidential Disaster declarations are associated with flooding.
More information about these flood hazards can be found on the
National Weather Service flood safety website at:

The following will describe different forms of flooding:

Flash Flooding:

Flash flooding are floods that happen in a flash. This type of flood
generally develops within six hours of the immediate cause. Causes
can include heavy rain, ice jams, levee or dam failures. Flash
floods are rapid rises of streams or creeks which flood roads,
bridges, homes and businesses.

Tropical systems and Inland flooding:

Tropical storms, hurricanes and their remnants can bring devastating
floods well inland. New York has a long history of destructive
floods from tropical systems which includes Connie and Diane
in 1955, Agnes in 1972, Eloise in 1975, Ivan in 2004, Irene
and Lee in 2011, and the remnants of Tropical Storm Fred,
Hurricane Henri and Ida in 2021. These storms producing
widespread disastrous flooding to parts of New York. It is
also important to remember than most deaths related to tropical
storms and hurricanes come from flooding inland well away from
the coast. So, residents in central New York need to pay close
attention anytime a hurricane or tropical storm is approaching.

River flooding:

River flooding occurs when river levels rise and overflow their
banks or the edges of their main channel to inundate areas that are
normally dry. River flooding can be caused by heavy rainfall, dam
failures, rapid snowmelt and ice jams. River flooding is classified
as Minor, Moderate, or Major based on predetermined water height
thresholds and impacts near the river.

The three stages of river flooding are:

Minor: low-lying areas adjacent to the stream or river; mainly rural
areas, farmland and secondary roadways.

Moderate: Water levels rise high enough to impact homes and
businesses near the river. Some evacuations may be needed.

Major: Extensive rural and/or urban flooding is expected. Usually
with significant water depths and destruction to property in, and
near the floodway.

Understanding the different types of flood hazards and knowing the
actions to take before, during, and after, can help you protect
your life, the lives of your loved ones, pets, and your property.
Prepare now by visiting


Mitchell Gaines
National Weather Service Binghamton, NY