![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Bethel, AK
Issued by NWS Bethel, AK
205 UMAK18 PABE 121201 COR SGLBET 70219 TTBB 62128 70219 00013 01719 11009 01244 22998 03056 33978 03250 44883 01531 55860 02334 66824 04917 77816 04918 88807 04135 99778 06128 11773 05936 22748 07350 33742 07358 44727 08359 55718 08562 66691 10563 77644 14560 88627 16157 99623 16357 11609 17159 22604 17559 33595 18164 44584 19361 55575 19964 66571 20361 77568 20763 88565 21160 99563 21559 11561 21761 22555 22361 33554 22757 44546 23560 55544 23757 66543 23943 77531 24516 88522 25112 99500 27513 11490 28122 22484 28542 33470 29725 44468 29727 55459 30931 66455 31322 77450 31943 88449 32337 99446 32547 11444 32741 22431 34758 33416 36947 44408 38156 55396 39942 66383 41956 77373 43550 88367 44357 99308 52339 11290 55748 22283 56556 33272 57744 44268 58350 55264 58550 66261 59157 77256 59162 88251 59363 99234 56972 11228 55373 22200 56375 33181 54377 44176 52779 55173 49981 66147 51380 77142 49781 88134 51381 99128 49382 11112 50981 22108 49582 33102 51781 44100 48783 21212 00013 10001 11991 13516 22977 15513 33947 14510 44929 12010 55838 11504 66786 13010 77758 12011 88747 09512 99727 11515 11622 10013 22611 12012 33592 12514 44550 12023 55482 15036 66456 15045 77349 16040 88273 16062 99246 16554 11224 14538 22218 13538 33191 16542 44178 16535 55165 14533 66155 15533 77141 14536 88131 16029 99124 13526 11115 15021 22111 18523 33108 17518 44105 16522 55100 18027 31313 44108 81105 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00008 10181 10194 12008 11510= PPBB 62128 70219 90/12 10001 15514 14010 90345 08508 09006 11504 90678 13507 13509 11011 909// 11515 91234 10516 10013 12514 9169/ 12023 15036 92057 14543 15046 16040 93024 15552 16062 16554 93679 14538 13538 16542 94134 16535 14533 15533 94689 14536 16029 13526 95012 15026 18523 16522 953// 18027=