![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Bethel, AK
Issued by NWS Bethel, AK
228 UFAK48 PABE 121200 ABVBET 70219 TTCC 62121 70219 70837 45785 23019 50061 45186 24015 30405 42588 26521 20683 37792 27539 10170 26796 32544 07427 27796 01039 88999 77999 31313 44108 81105= TTDD 6212/ 70219 11976 47384 22901 49783 33840 45585 44747 48983 55699 45785 66611 45785 77567 47584 88474 43187 99444 44386 11421 42788 22394 44986 33331 41189 44293 42588 55258 36992 66257 36992 77254 36992 88240 38790 99211 39191 11171 31794 22163 31394 33147 34793 44122 36992 55119 36393 66112 27196 77109 25996 88102 27596 99094 25996 11083 28795 22077 27396 33070 27796 44064 31394 55058 26396 66055 28995 21212 11923 17026 22869 19524 33829 16016 44796 18017 55775 22016 66757 22014 77722 21030 88699 23018 99686 21012 11676 18514 22664 18518 33625 23516 44602 19510 55564 20517 66543 23519 77527 22518 88515 24022 99476 28506 11444 23518 22422 28012 33409 24006 44365 24528 55358 26032 66343 29020 77315 27012 88302 27022 99294 25022 11272 29031 22241 30039 33217 29028 44199 27540 55184 28050 66157 32039 77138 29538 88126 31031 99104 32552 11081 34029 22070 01039 33068 02036 44062 02034 55059 03527 66058 05027 77055 08032 31313 44108 81105= PPDD 62128 70219 95568 17026 19524 18017 959// 22016 96012 21021 21030 18518 96456 23516 19510 20517 9678/ 23519 24022 97012 27506 23518 28012 97367 24006 26032 29020 979// 27012 98012 27021 25022 29031 9858/ 30039 29028 99015 27546 28050 32039 998// 29538 86036 31032 32552 34039 869// 01039 87012 02034 03527 08032=