![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Annette, AK
Issued by NWS Annette, AK
894 UMAK17 PANT 121201 COR SGLANN 70398 TTBB 62128 70398 00016 10115 11015 01356 22003 01356 33977 02743 44970 03129 55959 03744 66957 03956 77954 03956 88949 04158 99935 03765 11919 03371 22890 03173 33876 02566 44850 01967 55820 02372 66803 01779 77781 02778 88745 05171 99730 06371 11699 07382 22645 11978 33623 12776 44574 17370 55561 18574 66553 19371 77550 19766 88541 20765 99526 21967 11493 25963 22481 27165 33460 30161 44439 32762 55419 35958 66404 38160 77400 38558 88380 41165 99354 44965 11333 48361 22323 50157 33313 51758 44302 52762 55269 58961 66260 60360 77252 61161 88240 61761 99230 61167 11227 58772 22223 57573 33185 53579 44176 54978 55166 52180 66157 52580 77150 51181 88147 50981 99134 53180 11126 50582 22106 52781 33102 52781 44101 52781 55100 52581 21212 00016 07502 11914 30010 22904 29511 33888 32013 44836 32016 55818 31010 66777 34508 77768 35011 88739 34510 99715 35511 11705 01513 22663 33515 33640 33011 44615 01013 55584 34015 66551 34520 77530 32020 88490 31517 99450 33518 11405 32020 22371 28020 33310 27022 44271 29024 55252 28027 66247 29030 77240 30526 88229 30020 99219 32529 11189 33528 22173 30030 33156 32537 44138 30533 55125 32541 66120 32541 77100 31537 31313 44108 81105 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00013 10181 10194 31007 34010= PPBB 62128 70398 90/12 07502 20502 28002 90345 29510 31514 32016 90678 31008 34509 35012 909// 36012 91012 01513 33515 33513 91345 01013 36014 34015 91679 34520 32020 31517 92013 32012 33518 32020 9259/ 28520 27022 93024 27524 29024 29030 93567 30526 30020 32529 94024 33528 30030 32537 9469/ 30533 32541 9503/ 32539 31537=