![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Annette, AK
Issued by NWS Annette, AK
523 UFAK47 PANT 121200 ABVANN 70398 TTCC 62121 70398 70835 50783 33538 50054 50383 34029 30389 47585 35528 20658 45986 34528 10129 35193 02551 88999 77084 02069 420// 31313 44108 81105= TTDD 6212/ 70398 11929 50583 22837 52382 33779 50183 44724 51582 55659 50183 66593 51582 77527 49784 88494 50583 99462 48784 11434 49983 22391 48185 33316 49184 44297 47385 55280 47985 66185 45187 77179 45187 88174 45187 99170 45587 11150 41189 22138 40989 33134 41389 44126 39191 55121 39990 66111 35993 77084 31594 88083 31394 21212 11947 32547 22885 34540 33805 32042 44753 32532 55701 33538 66626 31035 77537 32530 88522 34031 99445 32026 11427 33531 22396 32533 33378 34530 44358 34028 55333 34525 66276 36035 77264 35027 88238 02530 99226 00530 11209 01029 22199 34029 33169 01531 44161 36030 55141 02046 66133 02531 77121 02046 88110 02532 99103 02055 11093 02546 22084 02069 33083 02567 31313 44108 81105= PPDD 62128 70398 95568 32547 34540 32042 96014 32034 33538 31035 9678/ 32530 34031 97012 33032 32026 33531 97456 32533 34530 34028 977// 34525 98012 35526 36035 35027 98568 02530 00530 01029 989// 34029 99023 35035 01531 36030 9968/ 02046 02531 86012 01546 02532 02055 8645/ 02546 02069=