![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
490 UMAK18 PAFC 060001 COR SGLANC 70273 TTBB 56008 70273 00017 07126 11009 07741 22000 07356 33997 07356 44994 07357 55990 06158 66985 06158 77970 03961 88963 03361 99950 03761 11902 02366 22846 03969 33833 04367 44830 04564 55826 04957 66806 06350 77802 06356 88799 06159 99791 05956 11786 05757 22756 07758 33708 11750 44684 13557 55663 15556 66653 16358 77623 19344 88620 19557 99615 20157 11611 20558 22608 20757 33605 20962 44595 21750 55582 22946 66573 23356 77571 23357 88549 25757 99532 27940 11519 29558 22511 30557 33498 31759 44497 31759 55495 31563 66493 31564 77446 37158 88438 37757 99425 38957 11422 39162 22418 39167 33400 41358 44395 41762 55386 42960 66380 43756 77372 44750 88369 45356 99357 47336 11350 48556 22349 48557 33347 48763 44345 49166 55322 51375 66296 53570 77279 54972 88264 54172 99238 55574 11212 54177 22200 51980 33145 49983 44138 49784 55105 51583 66100 49984 21212 00017 30503 11927 34010 22914 32512 33888 35018 44804 33026 55728 31521 66705 32020 77646 31024 88630 29022 99576 31025 11535 29026 22512 29528 33452 30539 44404 31070 55362 31073 66277 31068 77231 31554 88191 30037 99125 32032 11101 30528 22100 30528 31313 44208 82304 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00009 10181 10194 34012 32522= PPBB 56008 70273 90/12 30503 33009 33006 90346 32513 34518 34023 90789 32521 32521 31521 91023 32020 31024 29022 91456 30524 31025 29525 9178/ 29026 29528 92013 30539 30539 31070 9256/ 30570 31073 93015 31066 31068 31554 939// 30037 949// 32032 9503/ 31533 30528=