![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
Issued by NWS Anchorage, AK
120 UFAK48 PAFC 060000 ABVANC 70273 TTCC 56001 70273 70833 51384 32025 50051 55782 30529 30378 54183 29530 20636 56582 29039 10077 53584 30052 07306 52785 30060 88999 77069 29073 422// 31313 44208 82304= TTDD 5600/ 70273 11971 49385 22857 51584 33730 51984 44586 49985 55501 55782 66469 52984 77395 55782 88374 55582 99347 52385 11251 57181 22205 55783 33165 60380 44150 57382 55146 58181 66127 51985 77096 54184 88090 51985 99072 55183 11070 52385 22068 44990 33061 49387 21212 11908 30034 22852 31536 33800 33529 44746 33523 55646 29021 66581 30031 77538 29517 88487 31028 99465 29527 11400 32043 22377 32529 33370 31025 44361 30030 55325 32041 66286 29030 77267 28541 88256 29557 99241 30546 11234 29539 22219 28043 33184 31535 44175 29525 55169 28032 66155 29557 77146 30547 88132 28551 99120 29050 11113 31055 22104 31056 33096 28550 44082 30559 55071 30561 66070 30059 77069 29073 88061 30051 31313 44208 82304= PPDD 56008 70273 95578 30034 31536 33529 96035 33023 29021 30031 9679/ 29517 31028 97034 29527 32043 32529 9758/ 30030 32041 98023 29530 28541 29557 98456 30546 29539 28043 99013 31531 28032 29557 99579 30547 28551 29050 86012 31055 31056 28550 86468 30559 30060 30051=