![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
053 UMAK18 PADQ 121201 COR SGLADQ 70350 TTBB 62128 70350 00017 02624 11013 02850 22993 01447 33932 03503 44928 03717 55893 06500 66819 10900 77817 10906 88814 09556 99808 07565 11805 07768 22798 07564 33796 07364 44793 07364 55786 07563 66778 07167 77762 07769 88760 07181 99756 06791 11749 06390 22733 06190 33680 07795 44639 10393 55552 18979 66510 23174 77481 26382 88478 26575 99475 26762 11473 26761 22458 28959 33456 28956 44453 29356 55450 29558 66448 29743 77447 29534 88444 29134 99435 29938 11413 33117 22394 35732 33353 41941 44327 45934 55304 49944 66275 55746 77259 59138 88254 60346 99242 62331 11241 62129 22239 61937 33235 59761 44228 57166 55226 57167 66198 55175 77188 56575 88174 55177 99155 49581 11144 48782 22133 50581 33129 48582 44120 51381 55116 49182 66114 49183 77113 46184 88101 51781 99100 50982 21212 00017 10502 11007 07010 22975 07519 33824 05019 44808 08015 55783 07022 66731 10524 77691 09527 88647 12032 99619 10529 11523 12025 22421 10525 33398 12528 44362 11526 55273 14033 66231 15022 77221 17519 88211 14515 99201 12017 11166 15538 22143 22023 33126 18514 44125 17012 55123 15013 66115 20521 77113 24010 88107 00000 99101 17010 11100 18009 31313 44108 81105 41414 ///// 51515 10164 00091 10181 10194 07017 09022= PPBB 62128 70350 90/12 10502 07518 07518 90346 07017 06520 08015 90789 07022 09528 10527 91023 09527 12031 10529 91467 11529 11526 12025 92024 12024 10525 12528 9256/ 12027 11526 93026 13031 14033 15022 9378/ 14515 12017 94368 15538 22023 18514 949// 15013 95012 18517 20521 00000 9534/ 17010 20011=