![National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration](/build/images/header/noaa.d87e0251.png)
![National Weather Service](/build/images/header/nws.4e6585d8.png)
![United States Department of Commerce](/build/images/header/doc.b38ba91a.png)
Rawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
Issued by NWS
Issued by NWS
348 UFAK48 PADQ 121200 ABVADQ 70350 TTCC 62121 70350 70842 48384 26012 50065 46785 32512 30406 44187 32019 20681 38591 35041 10163 31394 02069 07418 25597 03566 88999 77091 02075 41816 31313 44108 81105= TTDD 6212/ 70350 11889 52181 22842 47384 33825 48184 44769 44985 55714 48783 66689 48783 77680 47384 88641 49383 99583 45985 11532 47385 22365 44387 33348 45386 44327 43587 55288 44387 66249 40190 77237 41189 88185 37592 99175 39591 11160 38591 22137 33394 33126 35993 44102 31394 55098 31994 66084 30395 77077 25597 88074 26596 99072 25397 11065 27596 22062 26396 21212 11976 20011 22945 16010 33923 16014 44866 23022 55854 23521 66831 21020 77800 23023 88783 24017 99757 29012 11724 29511 22704 26010 33663 26503 44606 22513 55560 31514 66504 32010 77491 33514 88468 32013 99424 26010 11411 30012 22398 28016 33387 28020 44354 33503 55346 32510 66338 36013 77331 35512 88322 31013 99312 34015 11302 32019 22293 34521 33263 33042 44235 33528 55191 35048 66155 35545 77136 03542 88130 03036 99125 01541 11120 02540 22091 02075 33068 04561 44062 04569 31313 44108 81105= PPDD 62128 70350 95457 20011 16014 23022 9589/ 23023 24017 96013 30012 29511 26503 96569 22513 31514 33514 97023 32514 26010 30012 97478 28020 32510 36013 979// 34015 98013 32018 34521 33042 986// 33528 99058 35045 35545 03542 999// 03036 86015 01539 02540 02075 8669/ 02569 04561 870// 04569=